Monday, August 30

But you promised her
Next time you'll show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game
But you lied again
Now you get to watch her fucking leave .

Your lost, dude .

Saturday, August 28

Don't you hear sincerity

Its 1.39 am : meaning its official 28th August 2010. I didnt knew it already passed 12 am until i saw Dinney's name appearing on my phone screen suddenly calling asking me why the hell i didnt bother to call her to wish. haha tak sedar baby ;p to show how much special she was, the night before, I and my amoi, Tyra Tan went straight to wangsa walk to buy her presents. Since it was already closing time, we had to rush to store by store. Finally purchased her a beige leather bag with golden chains and a white studded neckline top. I also manage to stop by at Subway since ive been craving their Subway Melt :s

Weve been having ths bond since us both were 9 years old. it all happen when our Kajian Tempatan teacher gave us 10 minutes break to study since she'll be giving a pop quiz on tht local subj. Since the girl beside me was studying with her friends, i decided to make friends with Dinney and Deeha since they both look rather friendly. so i pulled my chair and being the typical me, i smiled my guts out and asked if i can study with them. And since tht we were inseparable. We did everything together from acted for our school drama "Bawang Putih, Bawah Merah", entered standard six dance off competition, went to every red crescent meeting and even signed up for sewing & cooking classes. since that we were labelled as the siamese twins. i think from the pictures you know why, hee hee.

Every bestfriends surely has their own rollercoaster,we definitely have ours but through out all those fighting, people bitching, testing on each others patient, funny how weve still been strong for a whole fucking 7 years, jyeah . we even got into a big fight a day before her birthday just because i got jealous of something, hee hee. typical us. im definitely looking forward for another ten years with her, no shock there is she'll be my bridesmaid ;)

till then, love love

Wednesday, August 25

Hey young world I'm the new Slick Rick

Happy 17th Birthday Aleen!

funny how our friendship started. from a coincidence-run-to-each-other, it bloomed into a very sisterly friendship. she lives all the way from Subang and obviously is not as easy as pie to meet each other. the first time i met her was in Kfc, Pavilion. i know cliche right? she was with her peeps, i was with Farah only. suppose to meet Nadea, my other close friend and out of the blue there she was introducing me to Aleen since they both also had a tight bond. the first thing i notice about her was her bob rihanna style hair do. i always wanted to do short sharped hair like her but didnt have the courage to do so. with her crispy bangs, made me utterly inlove with the hair do. hee hee. with her petite size i didnt knew she can be effing crazy such as me and Farah. obviously she blend with us well ;)

one thing i admire about her is her willingness to hear. as if she's always there when you need her. she's a perfect resemblances to a quote of meaning "a shoulder to cry one". im so sorry i cant be at your school to throw flour and egss like they said it yesterday, haha :( i wish you all the best love

omg speaking of the devil, she's calling right now!! she must be pissed i didnt wished her last night, will call you as soon as posibble k babe. love you lotss

till then, love love

Tuesday, August 24

She shot the bullet that ended that life

#randomfact : people often hides the camera when im in a vain mood. haha

i got the suprise of the day when my long distance close friend, Dania called saying she would be in Melawati any minute. through out i was getting ready, at a moment i did wonder why the heck she came all the way from Subang to Melawati, she would be lying if she said she just wanted to meet me, i mean...tht is tooooo sweet kay. haha. later i found out tht Farah, Hafriz and Dania wanted to suprise Aleen since her upcoming birthday which is tomorrow. the best part was, Aleen didnt expected at all tht they were going to do so. you should see her face when they all came up bringing the cake. speechless, hee hee.

we went touring around wangsa maju and melawati. we were supposed to meet someone but some people doesnt have the balls to do so. heh.

and, something i just learned today, never, and i mean never, disturbe a boy who's busy playing his so called Dota. you can die by waiting them to finish, hehe the end.

isnt this too adorable ;)

i love my girls, hehe

till then, love love

Saturday, August 21

Give Travie a wish list

#randomfact : im the only one in the family who extremely loathe durians .

God knows how long ive been urging to get rid of my floral slash teddybear-ish wallpaper. i have to admit ive been having ths wallpaper since i was...err..9? when i heard mum wanted to paint my room, i got all exciteeed and in my heart kept yelling, FINALLYYYY! had to waited for two solid days for them the re-touched and wait fr the paint to completely dry.

so i hd to literally sleep in my lil brothers room for the time being. he was being the typical eh-theres-rules-okay-staying-in-my-room. no touching his study table, no sleeping nor laying on his bed, no messing with he's stuff or wht not. godd, i feel like choking when he tried to imitate me as i would always do tht to him whenever he comes to my room. hee hee but i ditched entirely wht he said and end up slept on his bed instead. suddenly flashback started to come back, we used to share the same room which is the room im currently staying in. we used to share secrets before we close the night light, we'll play UNO until our mum yelling us to sleep. ayy, good times

spent the evening with ma homies as usual fr Acc class. apparently our little teacher, Dinney was having really bad body cramps so we all layed on the sofa and watched Clueless instead. from the begiining of the movie until the end, jyeah. until Rahman and Meen dozed off on the floor :p out of the blue, dinney decided to go Melawati's bazaar, since we all had nothing better to do, we tagged along instead. it was my first time going (for ths year, of course) so i got all enthusiastic about it. Dinney, Rahman and i went with Ayie while the others went with Sya's mom and we met there.

oh! i just found out this bazaar eventually end up on tv3 recently. cool huh? it wasnt tht much but indeed i had fun this evening

and oh here are some pictures

my room during the painting process

i have such vain friends ;p

tada! :)

*in the picture the wall are white but actually is soothing creamy yellow :)

till then, love love

Wednesday, August 18


everybody know its hard to resist temptations when your only a young teenager

i on the other hand, to whom are close to me knows how much fragile i can be. i sometimes get too hooked up with people's criticism and compliment tht without notice, i changed into ths little monster.i admit, i was a trouble kid back then when i was 15. never in my life i thought i will face tht much drama in a very young age. neglected my parents, ditched my old friends, never gave a shit with people's comment, sneaking out and bitched about others. along the way, i lost whom i used to call bestfriend, i truly by ths moment realized my true friends are.

2008, the year when i turned into completely different girl. the year i was suppose to focus entirely on studies regarding pmr was months away,the official big turn on wht stream im going to take the following year but being the sellfsih i am, i set aside my first priority bcse i hv other "important" stuff to handle. the year i truly understande the true meaning of "backstabber". the minute you turn your back, there they go bitching about you all the way. the year i had to ensure everybodys feeling is at a good condition until a point that i neglected my own emotions. the year i first i tasted freedom. going out, coming back every late evening. the year i got into an enormous fight with my bestfriend, after i lost her it finally hit me tht i take life for granted. i never even bother to appreciate wht i have, i have a family tht loves me too much and wht did i do? i fucking disappointed them.

my brothers were worried sick of me, until it comes to a point tht they almost gave up. i cried whenever they come to me explain how hard it is to take care of me since im their only baby sister. mum and i was constantly fighting. we were never on the same page. i felt she was too protective, now it comes to my sense why she did tht all ths while. i was too rebellious too give a shit back then

i was in a relationship, long story short : everything got messed up. i cried every night, having insomnia and even locking myself in the room for hours. not wanting to communicate with people, just being isolated from everyone makes me at peace. listening to emo-ish type songs each and everyday, yeah tht was my daily routine

many people got hurt along the way just because I, a confused little girl did some mistakes. having your really close friend who's been with your for a solid 8 years say only two words "youve changed" really strucked me. when i look back, i didnt know my wrong doings would give such a big impact on people. i was too busy pleasing people and living my life tht i was blindsided that there were people who cared.

2009, i met new friends. friends who slowly by time guided me to the right path. felt ths comfortable vibe being around with them. the feeling being loved. i started to cut my regular outings, i had a stable relationship with my entire family, i gained back my true friends. i learned how to appreciate and treat people differently, not like i used too. when ths such things apparently happen to you in a life time, you couldnt thank more fr wht had happen because if i didnt go through that shit and ths on going roller coaster, i would never have my life that it is now

easy to say im pretty much in a good condition now :)

*and praise Allah s.w.t for that

Saturday, August 14

Girl walkin' the spot, she stop traffic

randomfact : i just realised nobody evers call me Sha. its always, Zana, Naa, Zan Zan,

i would like to take ths golden opportunity to wish my dude, my budd my oh so coolest friend ever, Sheyra a big 17th birthday! looks like someone is legal to get behind the weels now ;p she's the person who never fails to make me burst into laughter, the person whom i can depend on laughing over my lame jokes. her lay back personality makes me aware tht she's such a good friend. every beginning of the year, us both will reunite for typical girl guides activity, camping and even softball. we used to walk back together since our homes isnt that far to each other. one of my favourite situation i had with her tht us three including, Ira (our other partner in crime) got blanked where to go after we skipped a surprise BBQ party, instead we walked 6 kilometres to Sakura Kristal and to top of tht we had our kawad competition tht tomorrow day! who knew a innocent looking girl like her is so full of adventures ;) ths may sound cheesy but i love her more than she loves her seasons of How I Met Your Mother. haha


surprisingly i had tasawwur and agama class early in the morning. i was so pumped up fr ths day bcse of the fact my favourite cousins are coming fr ths tahlil and get-to-gather-feast held at my house. it feels good being around blood related because they are the person who i can just wear my baggy tee with my ponytail. proudly to say i cooked 1/4 of the meal tht night, hahaha. the minute they arrived they're jaw dropped seeing my chopping onions in the kitchen. haha so mean -.- berbuka puasa together

Dad and uncles went right upstairs to watch Chelsea's match. the others and i played a game "Guess" so technically one of us has to draw a picture and guess wht it is. at first i really thought they wouldnt even understand wht i drew bcse i was not gifted with natural artsy fartsy skills but apparently i just found out tht they sucked more thn i do :s hahah expect fr Afiq, he's one talented twelve year old ;) we even manage to have supper together regarding the man's were still chilling upstairs. had pasta, mini fruit tarts and creamy cupcakes they brought. had a long talk with my unbiological sister, Nadia. its good to know tht ill be following her footsteps in taking course in phycology. i was asking so many questions which i think she got tired answering it haha :s

Always love the feeling my home full with love ones :) AND OH the picture with me in the telekung is before we all went to terawih hehe

till then, love love

Friday, August 13

There's no kindness in your eyes

#random fact : im into the colour red fr the time being

I, shazana rashid will not lie the MWT's sweatshirt is 3x bigger the size of my small figure, as Epa would say "zana, you look like youre wearing a potato sack on you" thanks fr the compliment k -.- but the better side of it, its so comfortable to weaaar. here i am wearing it while Mr Droplets are outside. im literally freezing in here and adding to tht the air conditioner is approximately around 18 degrees.

, i almost forgot, i chopped of my hair!- shoulder length, no more curly murly at the bottom. im still adjusting myself to ths new hair cut, other than that i feel great with the new fresh free of split ends :)

a little of you know, im officially a guardian to 3 little rabbits. i got it fr my birthday present from one of my aunty whom i think is one of the most generous people standing on ths earth. she was completely stoned when it comes to my birthday present, instead she gave breathing little creatures to accompany me. hehe. it all happen when i got back from school finding a sort of white geometrical cage isolated behind the BBQ stand. my maid said my auntie dropped it of the night before like as a surprise ;) my brother and i fell in love the second us both layed eyes on them. as you can see in the picture below, the twins which are light chocolate brown in coloured are satin angora rabbits. the middle one is Lola! mine's is Cleopatra and my brother's is Fuzzball but unfortunately Lola died a week ago. i bet sya is gonna be devastated since i can see the love in her eyes when she held Lola recently.


Saturday, August 7

Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen

#randomfact : i still have ths anxiety going to the dentist eventhough its has been almost three years wearing braces

Here i am typing the keys on ths laptop at 7.29 in the freaking morning in my white and red floral pajamas and literally half asleep as someone suddenly gave the shock of the day. once again, my second brother manage to suprise me with his appearance whenever his back from his pilot school in Kota Bharu. he has ths thing not telling the family when he's coming back, the next thing you know his infront if the doorsteps, smiling his guts out.

Ogos test just ended, some feel relieved
no late night studying anymore, some feel restless as trial pmr and spm is just days away, and some even feel ohmygawd-i-want-to-blast-fireworks-right-after-the-school-bell-rings. well some of "that people" have the urge of doing tht, i mean common..dont you think thts a little over the top? its just a freaking damn test, its not like you just officially finished pmr or spm paper. goddd. chillex dulu. to think back i only got around a month to prepare for my trials. eee, you know how scary it is counting how many days left after the oh so big days come :s

Read my bestie, Fifa's latest post. i smiled knowing tht she watched
Sorcere's Appreantice on the exact day and maybe the exact time with me. one of the reasons, ive been looking forward to watch this magical slash like a bit a Harry Potter's movie is because not of the jaw dropping effects or the fact that its agea ble to watch,its because my hunkie boyfie, Jay Baruchel is in it :D and he looks utterly (as usual) adorable in tht movie, with his swanky hair and his oh so to-die-for-grin. not mentioning the face when he's like super proud whenever he does something unexpected. ive been having a thing fr him since i saw him on Nick and Norah Infinite Playlist which is my all time favourite movie ever. the minute i layed eyes on him, i just know i had to google him, hehe.

Recently one of my juniors told me this story of this one girl and truth to be told, im
still in shock wht she just told. its suprising to know wht you do, when youre deeply- madly-extremely inlove with someone, you tend to spend every last dime on wht he/she pursue, go to your lovers house eventhough its bloody miles away or even do something aggressive or harsh just because the smallest thing youre partner just did. to think back, funny..scratch that. creepy how people are these days :s

Today im feeling
slightly down, knowing that by this second most of my gang including Dinney, Rahman, Syira, Aisya and Azim are off to Genting. Mak ALMOST gave the green light but she started to be the"wht if" type - what if something happens when youre in one of the rollercoaster, what if someone tried kidnapping you or stalking us kids, what if the transportation had technical difficulties otw back. i hate when she does tht, but hey, mother knows best ay :) so here i am a day long date with the books. i so need to catch up especially on History, my so favourite subj. Not. Anyways, im watching The Last Airbender with the usuals tonight. with all the crytics slamming the movie, i oh so hope theyre just being sarcastic ;)

and oh, i just found out tht
Emma Watson chopped off her long golden locks for a boy-ish spunky due. im not saying i dont like it its just i like the long locks way better but if she's happy with it than :)



Till then, love love

Monday, August 2


ths weeks had been a oh-godd-drama-baby week. starting with Monday with ex seniors boys came to our school by dressing up as ordinary school boys. adding to tht, one of them even dressed as a chick..yes i said chick. equipped with tudung, kurung and wht stuff. they manage to be centre of the attention of the day. the reason they did tht is just because they missed being a school student, to me its bloody epiccc but not to the teachers. they got into a biiiiiig trouble and end up by escorted by the police. haha CLASSIC!

Tuesday was one fucked up day, everything was messed up. just because of ths someone's bloody mouth it almost destroyed my friendship with my two close friends. i was in a bad mood from beginning of the day until the evening. thanks god my tuition mates manage to bring my smile on my face again ;)

Wednesday was our class photo shoot. to remind back, its sad in around 4 month then astalavista baby! everybody will be parting ways, everyone has their dream to pursue. everyone has interesting jobs to discover and everyone has long vacations to enjoy for a whole 3 month. i cant really say wht our theme was ths year but wht i know is that it truly shined every each personality of us. with all the colours, smiles and laughters. is such a good combine to reflect how our, 5 Intelek is. even when we fight over with each other just because our math teacher gave danny an extra chocolate bar or how we burst into laugher whenever epa does his versatile-silly-faces-and-voices.

im glad things between us are getting better, rumors make us stronger-iqbal :)

Thursday and Friday was a bit tight. i was handeling the tee's fr the upcoming carnival. everybody was busy purchasing since the carnival only left one day to go. i manage to sell at least 20 tee's! Tyra and Sery were so proud of me ;) lol.

moving on to saturday, one of the coolest day ever. like you seen the pictures in the previous post, indeed i had fun. very tiring, but memorable time. went to klcc after tht with yed due to he still owe me my birthday present :p the plan was to buy a pair of Vincci shoes and then chow but plan changed, we walked around enjoying each others company but in the end i finally manage to score a acid wash skinny jeans, half stone wash denim jacket and a pair of rose red socks by Giordano. went to Subway since yed knew how much ive been craving their famous Subway Melt.

Boy, i was beyond glad spending the evening with you ;)

Sunday, i woke up by having a cold, runny nose adding to watery eyes. i was so uncomfortable tht i had to stay in bed all day. bapak and mak had their friends coming over for a small gathering. i came down to atleast greet them and show tht i exist in the house (haha jk), they were all like "zana, youre so skinny okay" . compliment or criticism? mhhhhm anyho, i really need to gain up weight since ramadhan is on next week.

well thts a quick review of my weekend, thanks for taking your 5 minutes to read my crap, hehe later sweets

till then, love love

Sunday, August 1

Treat 'em like they don't stand a chance

who would think its probably me and my peep's last carnival day in Melawati. its always held around July every year, and suppose by that time everybody's busy with their college or continuing study or wht stuff. so i enjoyed every bit of ths day :)

i was outside waiting for my little girlfriend, Meen to pick me up. one of the reason i was so excited to see her was in a couple of minutes ill be the first witness seeing her smiling her guts outs with those new fresh braces, i swear to god she looks extra extra adoraaaah-ble. infront of my house, form1 and 2 were doing their "larian merdeka" which started 7.30 in the morning. i thought i was a bit late but the minute i came to school everybody was already there. haha typical little-miss-unpunctual.

everybody was busy handling each other's booth.since my two bestfriends, Dinney and Farghah are opening their own booth,being the good friend i am, i bought a vanilla coke float plus sweet honey bubbletea. so the thing was i went to Qisse's booth to purchase some Cabonara tht she made herself then suddenly one of ths girl thought i was one of the seller so she gave 1 buck as she wanted one of the balloons their selling and other people started paying to pay me also. haha i end up by selling their goods. i was wrapping the balloons, managing the drinks. had a good time actually despite the fact everybody wanted balloons so Sery, Danny and I had to pumped balloons and wraped them with pretty ribbons around it.

many from other schools came. some even dressed inappropriately, hehh. i even met ma darling, Merex! godd i still cant believe that was the first since us both only contacted in cyberworld. oh, i almost forgot my peeps and i made ths like game which we'll scream at people if they pass by infront of us. we laughed like hell seeing their face expressions such as frightened and even insulted. haha Lia even got scolded by Teacher Jannah bcse she scream like hell at her face.

Lia kene marah hihi :p

around 3, me and yed, adeeb, qisse, tyra, aida, baby, sery and her boyfie went to craven. yed and i went with adeeb and all i hv to say he has the coolest car ever! we even raced with tyra at kelangit. had drinks and just chill before yed and i headed to klcc.

my gaytards :)

Geng baru! :D


newlyweds ;)

mhhhhm burritos ;)

i love you hunny

sister love!

Mwt, where the history is made


ni muka menyangap

ni muka patah hati hahaha (gentle usha muka adeeb -_-)

senyum sokmoo!

muka menyampah dgn adeeb (and yes again, usha muka dia)


and oh, i just have to upload ths picture, awlololololo! ;)

hehe banyak kn gamba? i know. chow