Sunday, September 19


so if youre around the neighbourhood, you can see theres a big white and gold tent vertically standing outside of my house ( only if you know where i live, i hope you dont) . theres too much to elaborate, one of the highlights of the evening ws meeting my 3 favourite childhood gang : Fawwaz, Isdiha & Shahir whom i last met was 5/6 years ago. theyre all buffed up, has mustache,scruffy looking dudes. all so tall. they even said i ws the exactly girl they used to babysit in Nottingham bcse im still all hyped up and talkative, ahhh nice knowing that ;p

the 3 things i kept constantly hearing on that day ws :

1. zana sekarang dkt Universiti mana?
2. apa facebook zana? nanti masukkan gamba, tag lah ye
3. boyfie zana tak datang ke?

obviously, i didnt even passed my spm yet, no i dont have a freaking facebook, i dont even bother to care all other my family members has one and lastly, no my boyfie tk datang lah makcik makcik sekalian. haha and to top of that, most of them who came including my parents fellow workers, neighbours thinks ma home nigga, Del is my boyfie, greaaaaat!

an openhouse isnt complete without my peeps so as you can see in the picture that are the soms who made it. i would thanks you guys a bunch for taking the privilege to come! x

later that night, was the relative side. i think the amount who came was exactly like the morning batch. dont blame the genes baby ;p and get this, i have ths new little cousin which i call her baby ziq, she made fake tears and "pretended" crying infront of me because i accidentally played with her toy. the minute i returned the toy, there she was silent as a mouse and even smiled at me back. dude!! acting does runs in the family :') LOL .

all the commotion ended around 1 in the morning . ths day ws by far the beeeeeeeeeest day of my life. i say that a lot kan? aduih, but really i had a blast + satisfied! thanks loverzzz

the night batch! x

i think that would make it, hehe. thanks for wasting 5 minutes of your lives at my blog. byebye

till then, love love.

Thursday, September 16

Uh oh! There was a monster in my bed

so heres the thing, i have this cousin who's name will not be mention here, scared that he'll PROBABLY read ths. whatever moving one. so one day as we were texting, he suddenly asked why i didnt have a facebook. wOw, what a joy. that's the 385 times someone asked me in ths raya period! so he told me that our little baybay cousin Iman apparently has a facebook of his one, and get this, HE'S ONLY 7 YEARS OLD K. that really hit me plus that now i feel like im really outdated~
he kept saying i was kuno enough not to have one but he kinda took a bit since i got a twitter account. so he made a bet, if he does a twitter acc in return i have to promise him to do a fb acc. since i really extremely superly thought he ws fooling around, i took the bet with confidence. the next morning, i got a text for him saying : zana i did my twitter acc last night! now its your turn :)


Monday, September 13

EID '10

#randomfact : my kurung influence people's money. if you know wht i mean

so how was everyone's raya? based on the tweets during eid, some of you didnt really enjoyed much their raya by saying ths year was by far the dullest one. i know i had a blast this year, let me repeat, BLAST but it was incomplete without my first brother who first time in my 17 years of living didnt celebrated with us but based on the pictures in facebook, he seems rather gleeful celebrating at Melbourne, Australia with his sky blue baju melayu.

every year, my family and i will always head back to kampung a day early so as usual the night before raya, me and cousins will pack the kuih raya into their each containers, hang new curtains as for this year its white shimmering silk and rearranging the furniture's. maklong, mak anjang will cook rendang as a thank you to us for all the hard effort we put into together, hehe. i miss that already.

Raya was a bit bummer because they were 2-3 owner of the houses mistaken me being the wife of my brother, so they skip to give me. haha didnt really care tho. first day of raya i was wearing the one in the pictures you can see, the second day i wore this red sequin kebaya. the night before we all headed home, we watched this Indonesian horror movie, Hantu Ambulans. i'll be lying if i say i ws not a bit scared :s my little brother was horrifieeeeed. lol silly boy.

as you can see in the pictures, there only 3 families out of 9 families, this year was a bit bummer because some of our aunts were at Mekkah to perform their Haj, some were at their in-laws, so it wasnt the whole number like we do every year but that obviously didnt stop us for having the time of our life ;) so imagine 9 families in one picture, ohmagaaaaaad. i love my cousins, enough said.

at Acu's

i was pursuing my nenek to wear my brother's shades ;p

wOw i look so tall~ hahah

blood is definitely thicker than water

behind the scene

favourite picture!

my hometown, sabak bernam!


till then love love.

Thursday, September 9

How you wrote my name all over your chest

#randomfact : imma kinda the same height as caprice :p

here's my little brother lying on my lap while im blogging this. he's not usually like ths, so im getting a bit worried :s hahahha kidding. after this we might watch a bit scary movies or Family Guy. mhhm still not decide..

Right, shifting topics. if i have to name a day that would stuck in my memories forever it would definitely be today

my amoi, Tyra Tan invited me to accompany her to meet Radhi OAG for something related with our school prom, since i just finished my tuition, i tagged along. us 4 including Myra Tan & Ilaina went to Dome, Klcc. since im not one of the prom committee, Myra and i decided to window shop until they finished their business thingy. met cik zaed harisah and we all went to topshop. if you are a close friend of mine then youll know how much i love making new friends with workers at stores. haha i cant help myself of being too friendly ;p

our plan was actually to watch any movie available but plan got changed so we all went to Tyra's to chill a bit since her dad told to do some house chores first. haha so the comel. around 4, Ilaina suddenly decided to meet up caprice fr the prom thingy (again). to me, he's somehow is a reassembles to justin bieber. jb malaysia do ;p i have to admit, i was on cloud 9 when i sat beside him during they were discussing prom thingy, hahahha sounds gay right. i know :p later we headed to WW for a round of bowling. it was my second time of bowling in a week. (never did that before tho) my hand hurts like hell since i kept choosing the heaviest bowling balls there is. stupidd

but truly to me, my highlight of the day was having Yed with me. (blushing sikiiit). i hope they had fun having me along with our little own adventure. i know i did ;)

till then, love love.

Tuesday, September 7

Let's run away And don't ever look back

#randomfact : my favourite disney princess would have to be Aurora from Sleeping Beauty

i was glancing at my phone, only did i realise it is 7 September already. in a couple of weeks, i and my other peers will be sitting for the second most important exam ever, trials spm and couple of month later, it will be by far the most important exam that will determined where we'll go,where we pursue our dreams, the mother of all exams, SPM!

it amazed me to think back ive been wearing ths fully white school uniform for the past 11 years. BLOODY 11 YEARS, MAAAAAN and knowing tht ths is the last year ill be in the same class with my lunatic classmates, sharing food every recess period, go to every co curricular activities, no more like that after this, sobz. next year, everythings different. theres new places to explore, new environment to adapt and new people to socialise with. some people sees it as a sad ending, i see it as a fresh start ;)

Mostly Raya Festive is the definition of going back to hometown to meet blood relatives, blasting fireworks all night long, wear new fancy new clothes. sometimes we tend to forget the true meaning of raya, as cliche as it sounds, raya its the month of forgiveness, the time where we press the pause button of our daily routine and enjoy & appreciate every bit of time with family. because to me, family is everything. i could not imagine my life without them and who knows this might be the last raya? so before anything happens, praise to god for everything that is around you before its to late..

funny how back then ill be the most enthusiastic to celebrate raya. ill be the first one packing, counting days and even writing raya cards to close one (lol). anyways, i wish everybody a big happy eid mubarak! and oh good luck to the ones whos having UPSR, PMR AND TRIAL SPM. i wish you all the best, love.

hugs and kisses xoxo from zana ;)

Ignorance is your new best friend

#randomfact : my little brother loves whenever i cook french toast and scrambled eggs for him.

may not the type who goes to the kitchen, experimenting new dishes or learn new recipe during their spare time but tht does not mean im completely blurred when it comes to cooking. i still know how to make to make minor meals such as Chinese fried rice, scrambled eggs and wht stuff. compare to my mom who learned to cook a whole meal when she's only 11 really amazed me. when i was 11, i was busy school sports i guess. mak, i promise you after spm everyday you'll come back home smelling home bake cookies and pizza k ;p

peaking about cooking, i (for the very first time) made my own chicken lasagna! well mak and kak yati helped a bit ;p but stiiiillllllll, i cooked most of the stuff. haha, joke much. sad tht my brothers arent to taste it too :( we even manage to make two meatball pizza's before we broke our fast. later tht night, mom and baked Biskut Dahlia. wuuu, i think im starting to have ths mother-daughter-bond again. hahaha love you ma~

so i bet most of you people know that PARAMORE'S coming to Malaysiaaaaaaaa! i bet the fucking-die-hard-fans are literally dying to go to their concert. funny how i knew ths band, back then when i was 14, my friend one day texted saying how adorable Hayley Williams is. a couple of days after tht, i saw Mtv was airing their Misery Business videoclip. i immediately texted him saying, i think im inlove with the band even thought it was my first time hearing them playing. hehe ;p my personal favourite of all the songs would have to be Careful, The Only Exception, Ignorance and Crush Crush Crush. As adorable as she is versatile, ths 21 year old fiery redhead sure makes good music, no doubt about that.

till then, love love

Wednesday, September 1

But I got a sweet tooth, that'll never come loose

K, since i got only 15 freaking minutes till my add math tuition, ill make ths as quick as possible. i watched Grown Ups with Jaji and Rain at Wangsa Walk yestrday. my plan to watch failed Step Up (twice already) due to over crowded people. godd i got so pissed but immediately switched mood when the movie i was watching was freaking hilarious. we laughed our ass off, so two thumbs up for that and oh did i mention i bumped into Iqbal with his sweet girlfriend in the same cinema? small world ;p

later tht night, had a blast at Dinney's surprise party. Yes, maybe it was only 5 of us BUT the house were as if theres was dozens of people Fit picked me up around 9 (was suppose to be 8, but he overslept, nice) celebrated with a chocolate indulgence cake specially fr her since we all know she wont eat any type of cake except for chocolate only ;p Ayie, Rahman and Dinney laughed their ass off when i tried to impersonate Paris Hilton, lol. Finished with Fitri and Rahman swapped each others vehicle, rhmn drove fit's car while fit ride rhmn's motorcycle, sad how most of the people around me have licence already. HAIHZ, got back around 12 since dad got lost on the way, i have such a silly daddy~

anyway the real reason im here is to wish ma lil baby boy, Reez a big 14th birthday! i truly cant believe when i wrote a card for him writing, Happy 14th Birthdy. 14? your 14 already? the boy i used to give a piggy ride walking up the stairs is 14 already? God, time flies so fast aye. he may be the lil brother who hates when i dont finish my meal, yells when im wasting my bloody time on the laptop knowing my spm only 2 month away, and always bugs the hell out of me when im busy on the phone, it somehow his way to annoy me the past years. but tht will never change the amount of love i have towards him. it always saddens me the fact tht we'll be parting our ways next year., mhhm. love you pendek, always and forever k

till then, love love