Thursday, April 29

Dude, chillex

before i forget, i want to wish my friend, Epuuuul. sorry for the late wish weh. i remembered back then in form 3, we three including Qisse always skip classes. we had so much fun together, since us three was equally annoying and hyper. so we got along niceely. you were like the big brother who always tease the poeple smaller than you.

the last conversation i had with you was last wednesday, i came to you during recess

zana : weh aku ade benda nk cerita ni
epul : apa dia?
zana : mcm ni do .. ramai orang ckp en.. yang kau..
epul : let me guest, kau dtg sini nk wish birthday aku yang ISNIN LEPAS YANG KAU LUPA TU EN?
zana : hahah aku baru nk cover tadi, sorry aw weh,aku tkde mase nk wish
epul : aaah diam ah hitam :p

even mulut kau mcm annoying gila babi kekadang, but we're always cool aite, bro

i miss my voice. if youre a schoolmate of mine you know how bad my sunburn and voice is. my classmate kept saying " GENTLE MCM LAKI DAH". everyday Soh ngn Epa ukur kulit sape lagi hitam ;( sorry lah aku plg hitam en. oh ya, i played takraw with Rasyiqa today. 3-0 derrrrrr :D

till then, love love

Boom boom yeah

hey ho peopleeeeeeeeee!

wush, ths has been a roller coaster week. starting from last week, i've been having body cramps all over. as most of you know, last monday was our softball tournament in SMK Sungai Kertas which i think is located around err.. Selayang. departed from school around 7, i was one of the earliest who came, hihi first time :p sat beside Dinney, we were all absolutely nervous for the game bcse all the teachers gave high hope for us to win. so to shake things up,Jiehaa and her gang set Justin Bieber's song in their phones. the minute the song "Baby" blast from their phone, we all sang with a really high note *especially me teehee. the boys were unsatisfied bcse god knows how much they hate tht boyfriend of mine. haha so i asked

the boys : weh tutup laaah, tk habis habis justin bibir tu
the boys : laah kau suka ke dia, padahal suara dia tk sedap pun aw
zana : padahal hot gila aw, sapa sini tk suka JB ha?

i really thought no one would raise up their hand, but the second i asked tht question, the boys and some girls raised up their hand and with a we-hate-justin-bieber-okay look. hahah,so malu -.- the time we arrived their school's field other school gave us the cynical look. i dont know wht the hell they have against Melawati all of this years. the girls game started around 9 am, so the boys team was all geared up to hustle. me and the other girls who were not playing lended our energy too. the best thing about ths tournament tht you can hustle all you want and not be scold by anyone. truth to be told, we hustle like fuck. SMK Keramat was on our side too, so they kinda cross the limit by teasing other's school physical appearance, but we laughed like hell when they said tht. we one the first game, so got us all excited!

second day

Syam : aku tengok zana ni makin lama dh mcm lelaki dh, tengok suara tu ha
Razin : kau tk kenal dia lagi, dia mmg camni
Rhmn : dh nama ketua hustle :p

was a bit tensed. all school were ready to bring down Melawati's team. 2 days being there truly tought me a phrase which is "never, and i mean never judge a book by its cover" enough said. at a moment you kinda fell for the innocent looking girls, but the minute they open their mouth, vulgar words keep coming out, you definitely change your prespective towards them. other school kept repeating my jersey's name which is "zana oh!", i find it very annoying to be exact -.- we both didnt won the second game, but we celebrate like we won. we strike some songs to the highest volume, some were singing and cheering like lunatics. padahal kalah aw, sumpah pelik. haha -_- in the bus, lagi lah. bak kata Razin "semua dh sasau la derr". got back, played softball in the rain fr the last time. good timeeees ;) camwhored with farah. then lepas tu semua nak menyibuk masuk skali kan. haha.

the best thing was i made new friends throughout out ths process with people i dont even know they exist in school. theyr so cool to hang with. especially Syam, he admits to be my bodyguard, haha nicee. well, i think tht is all of it. banyak lagi sebenarnya tapi maleyh en. so yeah, byebye

till then love love

Sunday, April 25

Forever united here somehow, yeah

the famous Kelly Clarkson is live in Malaysia ths night. i'm not a oh-my-god-i'm-dying-to-see-her type of fan. is just i really like her songs. is somehow suite the way i feel these days. i loved her in her recently video,My life would suck without you. so adoraaaable laaaa

My lips like sugaaar

conversation for today

Elza : okay korang yang perempuan ni, jangan nk menggatal eh kat sane
girls : ye kiterog tahu lah.
Elza : except for budak keramat tkpe ah, sbb dorang kan ramai comel.
zana : haha eh boleh pulak camtu? :p
Elza : so boleh usha budak keramat je k, skola lain tk boleh
Faiz : eh mana boleh, zana, kau boleh pandang kiterog yang dak dak Mwt ni je k, jangan pandang yang lain
zana : haha yela

adik came back with his left arm all plastered and cement. the doctor said he really did broken it, so he got a mc from the doctors for 2 weeks. A BIG SIGH.

ysterday was fun, it was the last time practising in school. the minute the coach showed up, i was absolutely happy. after the drama tht hv been happening in the past week, we still know tht coach still has a soft spot for us. ths abang who is incharge with softball from last year came, he completly changed. he's darker, slightly fatter and sepeeeet-er. haha. i remembered last year, a few people really thought i was his little sister -.- got back around Maghrib with syira, guia, faiz, radzi and shey. thank god it was many of us bcse it was really creepy and dark :/

today mom and i went to ths warehouse in Bandar Manjalara. we kinda got lost in the way, god knows how many time we turned into the wrong road, lol.she wanted to buy kitchen stuff. talking about the kitchen, my house is renovating! fit's also. haha. he's renovating his blacony, mine's doing the kitchen.

i'm having hibbie gibbies for tomorrow's tournament. adding to tht, my right eye is completly red, i hv new scars on my thighs and a swollen knee :(

eventhough is hard for me to say ths to you but i sorta miss the old you

Friday, April 23

Catch me if you can

conversation for today

Zana : kau ni suka carik pasal en, dok tepi orang buat hal hish
Epa : laah aku memain jelah. kau ni mmg panas baran since last year lah, dh berapa kali aku nasihat kau dah
Zana : benda kau start dulu, mmg lah aku marah -_-
Epa : kau nk tahu something tk
Zana : pe mende?
Epa : Orang tua ckp kalau marah muka cpt tua
Zana : aku tahulah
Epa : aku confirm confirm by the time kau masuk 40 ++ tahun muka berkedut habis
Zana : -__-"

the picture above is taken around july last year. a couple of weeks before my favourite cousins departed to Chicago. they've been living there fr around 9 month and their here for a short period holiday. the miss Malaysia so much :p the whole family stopped by for dinner last night, daaamn they look completely different,as if they were not my used to be cousins anymore. firdaus is so much taller, daniel's hair is well.. kinda looks good now. haha, and zarif, gentle makin comel do. their english accent absolutely stunned me last night. they're currently in 4th,5th and 6th grade. they told me tht their school which is Devon Shire in Illonois was awesomeee. they enter the basketball team, rugby and stuff. Uncel Ad was being really sweet giving each and one of us souvenirs. i score a perfume name Pink Splash by Victoria Secret, yay! i miss those three chipmunks already

so whts up bloggaaah? mine, well currently fine. dania jst asked to go to her school's canteen day in Subang. i dont think i can make it, i hv a day long of softball tomorrow :( my mom jst sent adik to the hospital,he kinda sprained his wrist badly so yeah mom told him better to get a check up x-ray. talking about my adik, well he fought with me early ths afternoon bcse of ths really really ridiculous little thing. he got pissed and just went straight to school. he usually hang watching tv with me or wht so ever. and now "you hv a broken wrist, tula, ni balasan gaduh dgn orang lagi tua dgn kau :p" haha jk sayang kau dik

and oh ya tht reminds me, ths week i've been receiving the same question from some poeple asking if i hv an fb account. as if there is someone out there name zana oh pretending to be me, and using my picture and .. aahh konon je. haha, so guys especially you Meen. zana takde fb tau. keep tht in mind k

till then, love love

Tuesday, April 20

Hey, soul sister!

since others tht didnt go to gg's camping, here's my job to tell you wht happen! :D last friday was our annual year camping, god knows how long and hard all of us planned fr ths. it has been literally a week i didnt enter my class, dinney and i was too busy handeling the stuff and all. on friday, dinney, syira and i left early and went straight to the school hall to pack the food and other stuff into big boxes.before i left the class, all ze classmates were waving goodbye and hoping i dont get possessed by any weird or those creepy scary things in the forest,lol. so we got a glimpse of chance seeing 5W practising their dikir barat. at first, they sucked, really bad. hahahha, but sooner they became really good as they perform last monday. hehe, got back really quick, i was not 100% packed so got me only 15 minutes to pack, lunch and take a shower. terbaik. arrived school around 2, the bus was witing fr us. senang cerita, semua kelam kabut ah. but it went smoothly after tht. sat beside dinney, we were so nervous about wht things going to happen soon. yikeees

arrived around 6 in sungkai Perak, the minute we arrived it started raining heavily, and get ths, us all girls have to walk to our camping site which is around 1 kilometres from our bus in our pandu's uniform. BEST KAN. dugaan dugaan, everyone was dripping wet. changed quickly and AJK's were being extra nice letting them choose their own camp mate. dinney, syira and i decided to sleep in the same tent, sometimes we get so crazy whenever we hang together it freaks people out. haha. so had dinner at ths sort of long table like in hogwarts, the funny thing about the first night was at the dining table, everyone was extra quiet, they were to hungry to talk and they barely knew each other, so yeah. divided them into 4 groups based on natural disasters name. such as blizzard, and wht so ever. had sisterhood tht night, played all sort of games.

everything was okay and peacefull until we played ths game called ayam ayam naga or something, i'm not sure. everyone were laughing like theres no tomorrow. especially syafiqah, she was the most happening ah

it took us 1 and half bloody hours doing ths, ponaaat

official gg's dance

freeze baby, freeze

anak teacher gentle comel gila, masa time ni semua cm awwww, dorg ckp mcm twins :o

mengantuk gila time ni, pukul 2 derr

later tht night, we the AJK didnt sleep bcse of the late night activities, while all of them were sleeping like a baby in their tents, me and the others were busy planning tomorrow activities, the score board and wht so ever. nikki and i were busy choosing the songs for tomorrow's morning aerobic. around 2 in the morning, dinney set the siren, the girls were all shocked and were half awake running to the hall. most of them knew the reason we woke them up, others were a bit clueless. the man in charge which we call pak din gave some briefing before we enter the forest in the middle of the night. so all of us were divide into two groups and blindfolded. i think i was the most scared of them all, i kept hugging syira from behind, imagine walking in the middle of the night with your eyes blinfolded? creepy tau. finished around 4 am, the AJK's was by far the most exhausted, the minute we arrive in the tent, us three dozed off just like tht.

woke up at 6, had aerobic and panji panji.

Nikki : "Puteri! bagila ajjaaaaaaad"
Puteri : "taknaaaak, puteri nak pegaaang lah :p"

Fav photo :-)

then off to breakfast

the day started off with an activity called Abselling. the cliffe was around 8 metres high.

Zana : alah pakcik saya tk takut pun lah turun bukit ni
Pak Din : yeke zana? baik baik la ye
Akak Ina : aceeeh konon konon lah kamu ni :p

paaaap tergilincir jatuh

Pak Din & Akak Ina : hahaha kamu ni otai betul la

the fun part was to reach to the other side, we have to across the river nearby. tht was the part i got all the new scars on me thighs. i fell god know how many times and hit the rocks. ouch

sungai dia cm dlm gk ah

kiterogzz nAmpaK Mcm cOoOOl gilerzz kaAaN!! HAHAHAHAH.

got back, rest for a bit and went straight for masakan rimba in the forest, so we walked 7 kilometres to the place. we had to cook with the food in the list which is a tin of sardine, 3 small potatoes, maggi and flour. we got only 2 hours to form a meal tht can satistfy our lovely leader, cik dinney ;p so all of us got panicked, we barely knew wht we were doing, but turn out it was kinda delicious to be exact! :D

tht night was Malam Kepanduan.each group was busy preparing their own gig to perform. the AJK's quietly did our own gig too, we did dikir barat. dinney choosed me to be the dikir so i had to talk as if i had ths kelantan accent, which they thought i was really from kelantan. haha -.- their performance was the best, some group did a musical play slash acting. some did a bit dancing. so as they all finished the AJK's went to the stage, some were a bit curious why we're all wearing our scarf around our heads.after tht, it was band night and played other gg's game

tv terbaik pernah aku tgk. haha

Mak Pin ohhh Mak Pin

biar kelantan shiiikit

Group Meen VS Group Adilah

Band Night!

woke up early and others started to pack. the day we've been waiting for, kolam air panas timee! :D since Sungai Klah was near to our camp site, we decided to walk. it was really pack with mostly chinese and malays family. truth to be told, we were the centre of the attention, i mean we made so much noise playing games in the water, i bet other families got pissed. haha. after tht, went to mountain spring. all of us, and i mean all of us went down the water slide together, i was holding faiz on my lap the first time we all went. we both drown a first and he cried. i felt so bad but after tht he run towards me wanting to go again. haha so comel

mcm domino, sorg jatuh semua jatuh

packed and time to announce the winner among the patrol group. Earthquake manage to grab the title of winner. every leader of the group was given a chance to give a speech, the minute Meen gave her speech, she burst into tears followed by others. the most obvious was dinney, she was absolutely overwhelmed by our sisterhood feeling and helping each other. then all started crying, gentle sedih. the bus took us at 4 pm, in the bus i decided to teach them the dikir barat the AJK's did, we had so much fun learning new things. arrived around Maghrib, and it was raining heavily, again.

the crazy AJK's

ths gg camping was by far the best, all of us especially, Dinney, Ira and i finally fullfil our dream to take them to Perak. the day after tomorrow, syira told me tht she saw syirin's facebook status "jst got back from pandu's camping, had a blast, really felt the sisterhood", got me smiling all the way ;)

till then love love

Monday, April 12

You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare

conversation for today

Zana : nk seringgit
Elam : dh bagi dinney lh seringgit td
Zana : haih tk pela, zana guna duit syiling sendiri ah. mcm tk cukup je ni
Elam : cukup ke tak?
Zana : ok,dh cukup seringgit dh hihi, nasib baik
Elam : lah igtkan baru nk bg seringgit td
Zana : perangai cm kimakk


well well well, i think i've been counting days for ths birthday a friend of mine and finally the day youve been waiting is finally here kn babe. i hope the 2 minutes and 17 seconds i sang for you last night was worth it, i was too sleepy but thnk god you called again when i was in the taxi otw to school. i know we met each other from other people, you were very close with whom i was too. suddenly a met around March last year made us tighter than ever. youre like a long lost sister, you make me smile seeing youre name appear on my phone whenever you call, hearing you giggle, and talking with you is so much comfortable. i can even count how many times we met but you sure are gold, honey. i'm sorry for my fucked up attitude sometimes, you have to bear with me ths all time. no hard feelings aye, jst want to let ya now, i'm always here fr you aite. a biig love from you adik yang lahir bulan july, zana. hahah

so today, hhhmmmm so many things happen. didnt enter class for one whole day except for english, speaking of english my gang and i finally did our oraaaaal! Khadijah and Teacher Fidzah said i was loud and brave, nice! :D got back, quickly changed and off to my dentist appointment as i said before on the last post, i was bloody terrified when the doctor drilled my teeth, she said it has something to do with the "besi yang tercabut or wtv" and straaaight to softball training, coach was kinda shocked i even made it on time before 5 :p

i need to study, pronto. mid terms is only around 40 days to go :O bye for now

till then love love

Sunday, April 11

Chills me to the bone

conversation for today

Zana : awak awaak, tgk kasut kita :(
Dinney, Ya allah, awk makan kasut tu ke apa?
Zana : td masa warm up dia tetiba terkopak, padahal dh pakai kasut ni dh 1 tahun lebih aw ;(
Dinney : sebab lecak kot, smalam kn hujan
Zana : aku rasa kali ni hujan asid kot, so cm habis rosak kasut ni ha
Dinney : ahahhahaha rrrright
Abang Syfiq : wush, brutal gila kasut jadi cmtu
Zana : eh diam ah, pukul ang
Abang syfiq : perangai pun brutal ha

still puff out due to ystrday's traning. playing under the blazing hot sun is hell, especially wearing those big black jersey's. while traning, the layer under Ira's boot suddenly tore to tatters, at first i laughed at her bcse i thought it was too hilarious then i stop la, rasa bersalah pulak. suddenly a couple minutes after tht, hanna told us to speed with our partner i realise there was mud and water entering in my boot, i thought it was a little hole or wht, i looked at my boots, tadaaa tapak dia hilang mana ntah. inilah balasan gelak dkt orang :/ but i laughed at myself lah, including the other people who saw it -.- coach was being unusually nice and giving time out for me as in have no boots to play in. usually he always tell us to rush back to take extra boots or whtsoever.

since i didnt play, i hang with Iqmal and the corner of the field. daaaamn he is as equal fun and not mentioning gay like rahman. okay scratch the gay part, hahaha, eh gay means happy k :p no wonder he's always surrounded by girls in school. the fun part was other parents came and watched us play from through out the gate of the school. around 7, headed back. mom told to go fr a dinner again with tante yuli (it means auntie in indon :p) and her family. arabian nigggghht! at ths cool arabian shop, Al Rawshah in Ampang. it was pack, thank god we booked earlier. had nasi mandi, for the second time, gentle sedap gila tk tipu.

off to buy ze new shoes fr softball and to the vet. my baby, Lily is sick and i think Lala is infected too. OH! i just remembered,tomorrow is my dentist appoinment and my english oral, fuccccccccccck, i has been 2 month since i last went to the dentist :O anyway laterrrrr awakz

till then, love love

Saturday, April 10

Funny the way it is, if you think about it

conversation for today

time ni tgh main softball

Hanna : WEH ALI, kau salah lah, pegi balik 3rd base balik
Zana : sila kembali ke tempat anda sekarang juga, tolong berlari cepat sedikit*in a flight attendant tone
Rahman & Faiz : wush dh macam pramugari habis dh,sorry ah mcm awan dania kaan
Zana : padahal tk tgk pun aw cerita tu
Faiz : cerita tu best kan rahman?
Rahman : tahu tkpe
Zana : macam gay je laki tgk cerita tu -.-

finally played softball ystrdy, for all ths time waiting. everytime i come, it will always be raining or another theory. i'm like a bad charm or something, lol. so farah stayed back after school, for god knows how long tht annoying bestie entered the ze house. chit chat and went straight to softball. as we were playing for roughly 1 hour and half it started pouring rain, we thought it wouldnt last long but the minute the thunder starts striking, we know aint a chance we're gonna play. told yah i'm a bad charm :p all of us went to the class dripping wet and had to hear theory until the rain stops. around 5, it stopped, finally thank god. Mas and Faiz gave permission to play in the diamond, we all got excited. talked boyan with Nadia, Atila, Dinney adn Ira. fucked up funny ;D i think of all the people were at the field ystrday, Razin kept saying aku hustle paling kuat. dh nama softball der ;p got back around 5 Ira and Shey, Ira stayed back at ze house for a bit.

around 8 went to cheras with ze family, had a dinner with my favourite Indonesian auntie! i miss her to bits, hang with my little baby boo, zaza. the best thing eating at her house is their love for seafood. last night's creamy tiger prawns and spicy crab meat still makes me full. had movie night with them, watched The Invasion, truth to be told, tht was one fucked up horror movie. me, kak yuli and abang hadi kept screaming the part when they turn into icky corps. yucks -_- got back around 12, got so sleepy until i slept in the cloth i was wearing. my cheetah top is all crumpled up now :( gonna have dinner with them again tonight! yay

till then, love love

Thursday, April 8

They got it better than what anyone's told you

conversation for today

Zana : eh nikki dh tahu en?
Nikki : yang zana tk masuk kawad?
Zana : yeap
Nikki : ala alaaaaaa alaaaa ala :(
Zana : tknk pujuk ke weh?
Nikki : laah, tgh pujuk lah ni
Zana : lopek gila do cara nikki pujuk hahahha

as you can see the picture on the left, i've been eating tht almost every sunday morning. if youre a good friend of mine, you would know tht i've been dying to gain weight. sounds funny kan -_- some of my close friends has been saying i look too skinny lah, i have to eat more lah. bla bla bla. once my teacher told i kinda look anorexic :o i got a bit offended but yeah its the true, so no need to deny. roughly 2 weeks ago, during training, Meen and Dania Madyna gave me some tips to get a little chubby

1. eat then take a nappp
2. eat snacks between meals
3. eat around 8 times per day haha
4 . jangan berhenti makan k

they were so adorable while giving me the tips, lol. i can't wait for next friday! :D one thing is for sure, gonna be busy muzy next week. muzy? is tht a word? rrright .currently watching Giuliana and Bill, i feel like surfing all of a sudden. mak, i want to go to Hawaii pleaseee.

till then, love love

Tuesday, April 6

Trouble is a friend, deal with it

conversation for today

Abang Zeki : awk lepas spm nk kerja dgn saya tk?
Zana : mak suruh blaja menjahit do, maybe lah kot
Abang Zeki : ha bagus
Zana : tapi takut kene marah do, abang dh la garang gila
Abang Zeki : ha dgn kau, aku mmg cmni sikit :p

so went to the tailor to pick up the the cloth i sent, Meen tagged along. its finally finisheeeeed, thank god. yesterday, went to softball practise by walking with syira, it was only theory but yet was better thn i expected, thought of dozing off but the coach was full of energy. the coach kept laughing at me becse i was to slow to understand his jokes. he made the whole class laughed straaaight at me. NICE KAN. had a long conversation on the phone with Dinney last night, everybody and i mean everybody is worry sick of her especially me. the last day i've seen tht twinnie of mine was the day of the kawad competiton, after that, nadaaa not a single word i've heard of her until last night. she promised me she'll show up tomorrow. i'll hope so, god knows how much i.. scratch that, we miss her. no matter wht, you know rahman and i will have youre back k kecik :)

the thing i hate about tuesday is hearing to Ash satire me all the way in sejarah's tuiton. god, he can be so bloody annoying and i bet most of the girls know that kan. haha.

till then, love love

Saturday, April 3

the most bizarre thing happen today. some random uncle came up to me and asked "eh awak dh kahwin eh?

woah .

Friday, April 2

Lay down your arms, give up the fight

jst finished dinner with mom, had spaghetti carbonara. while i was browsing through the internet, my first brother called from Australia, at first i barely knew it was him. he as always will pretend being an english man or wht so ever to prank me but cant believe i fall fr tht -_- haha, so we talked about thngs tht has been bugging me lately. he's my fav person to tell my problems to. he's full with wisdom and good advices. haaaaaaaaaaih i miss him, gonna meet him in July 2011 :( i remember whenever i won in a kawad's comp he'll give me a big hug or treat me lunch or wht so evr, but not ths year :'( currently alone at home. Adik is off to Melaka early in the morning tomorrow, my second brother is back to Kota Bharu tomorrow evening. so adik and mak is busy doing some shopping, got really lazy to tag along, so stayed home instead.

i read Rhman's formspring jst now, i didnt notice he replied my question right after i asked him

wht is interesting about me? haha by zezana

He answered :you're funny, i like your memek muka when you get angry, when you cuak. hahaa. i like your style when we go to KL, you look gorgeous gentle aku ckp! byk laah, hahaa

i think tht was the first time he actually complimented me? hahah, the thing about my peeps around me tht they are by far the most reluctant people to compliment me. for instant, one time i wore ths cheetah bag to school. so one day my friend, Rasyiqa said tht she liked it and Fifa finally said it was pretty. which took her 4 month to realize i guess? haha. tkpe tkpe kite still sayang awk k :p

before i forget, my smallest girlfriend, Meen has a fromspring now

do ask her anything :)

But when it starts to thunder they all stare

sentence of the day :
"awak form 5? mati mati saya igt form 3 tadi" by Abang Zeki

Peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, HI! :)

Gosh, dah bertahun rasanya tk update hihi,so for the past week i've been having my March test

Bahasa Melayu : pretty okay
English : rough at first but then boleh aaah
Math : fuck graph haha
Add Math : ni tk perlu jawab pun tkpe, i thnk you all know the answer kn haha
History : -________________-
Accaunts : it turned out better thn i expected
Economics : sucksball
Agama : pretty okay
Science : thumbs up

thank god friday is finally here, god knows how much i've been waiting fr ths day, gonna take a loooooong sleep tomorrow IF i have nothing on the schedule tomorrow. so today during recess, Iqbal told me about something involving girls around him so i gave him advices and tips about girls, the funny thing was, all of my guy friends circled up and listen to my blaberring. these days i've been spending alot of time with only two things. girlfriends and books. haha. can't wait to get back to my hectic life next week. so got back, quickly changed and went to the tailor to change the fitting of my pandu and KPA's tee. the next thing i knew, i saw tons of acting crews everywhere at the restaurant nearby and get this, i saw one of my senior acting in it but i was in a hurry so i didnt got the time to watch. went to Damansara after tht. got back around 5 and my baby boo Dania called but as always batt phone died for the 384 times i guess -_-

oh ya, sheyra told me it was Hari Boyan Sedunia today, hahahah. so Fit, Rman, Jaz, Raja, Sheyra and I spoke like "you know wht". it was really funny to be exact. haha -_-

I miss Yed. like alot