Sunday, January 31

Eh dah ahad dh :o

"all brothers are born annoying"

thts my adik up there, we talk pretty much about everything. i'm really close to him bcse my brothers are one at Austalia and one at Kota Bharu. so i don't see them tht much, so i'm stuck with the little one which is extra- annoying -plus-gedik. my friends always tease him about him height and all, but watch out guys, you don't want to mess with him, seriously. he maybe be petite and looks innocent, but booooyy youre definetly wrong. he made me cried many times. so sad kn :( haha, one time we played a game sape nangis dulu kalah, so we kept hitting each other until got red patched all over our body. haha, good times. he can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but in the end of the day, we still love each other tho xx

EH, dinney jst called, she's coming over to do some pandu puteri's stuff. can't wait, might be having lunch with her too

till then, love love


My bestfriend is finally 17! everbody is getting old, only me left with 16 years old on the forehead :( anywaaaay, to show how much special she was we threw a little suprise party for her in the karoeke booth, hehe. i've known ths chick last year, we were in the same cls, she sat behind me, before ths we were NOT CLOSE AT ALL. we never talked to each other before to be exact. then slowly i know tht she's really lay-back kind of person, very cool, and has horse hair. hahaha, rambut cantik sgt mcm rambut kuda. hoho -.- she sits beside me in the class ths year, i don't know how she bears with my talking, singing and kecohness everyday, but wht the hell, she still loves me kn leya ;p hoping you the best, and god knows how much i love you sistaaah

yesterday woke up really early, calling people to come wht time and all. called pretty much everyone, Emir, Amad, Epa, Rais, Lok, around 9 am, so i guess their still in their pajamas and having sweet dreams tht time? haha, the only person who doesnt picks up the phone with a sleepy voise is Rais. he went to the school tht morning so yeah, everybody is still malas ;p yed gave the stuff tht morning. he called and said, "i dh kat luar ni" NICEEEEEEEEE. we talked for a bit, he was with his atuk tht time, so didnt want him to wait to long. its been ages since i last talked to him . Rais and Lok picked me up around 11 and straigt to WW. i didnt know wht to wear so i asked their opinion and they were being all, aku bukan perempuan lerrrr, mana aku tahu. Rais told to wear a pair of black skinny and white tee. but at last i wore a gery-ish long sweater, black plain top from Topshop, a pair of navy blue skinny and a long chain necklace to match with it. went window shopping with them both to wait for the rest. i was asking them, eh ni comel tak? eh cantik kan yang tu? eh nk beli yang ni tak? they kept nodded and giving thumbs up and making ths terpaksa faces. haha. they kept saying, kiterog lelaki aw, kiterog mana tahuuuu. thts the last time window shopping with them, fullstop -.- rais picked up Danny, so me and lok waited at Popeye's. met fifa, then Leya and the others.

around 1 we had our lunch. its like in class lah, havoc as usual. Iqbal came later. we all went to karaoke's lounge, Iqbal belanja :P thnks bro. its my first time karaoke-ing so got kinda excite (i know so poyo kan baru first time haha), sang our heart out, especially the song Situasi by Bunkface. haha all sang like pro's. more to screaming to be exact. definetly going again next time, finished at 3 pm. the bowling alley was full :( so went to the arcade. used to love going there, but not these day, theres no inner child in me anymore. haihz. bought around 6 tokens. played with Iqbal, damn he's good. played basketball with ze girls and watched the guys played pool. bummed into the Yang sisters, Zarith and Maddie. Mom called around 4.30. got tuiton at 5, so have to leave early :( we all hanged at Georgetown White Coffee, while wating for ze mom. said our goodbyes. got only 10 minutes to get ready, yeah terbaiiiik -.-

around 8 pm, got a suprise from Nenek. she came with dad, aww dh lama gila tk jumpa. the whole family including Nek, had dinners at ths Tomyam Restaurant near Sakura Crystal. got back around 11, and my feet hurts like hell. exhausted too, no doubt about tht.

and guys sorry for my fucked up attitude before i went back yesterday. thnks fr everything, loveeeeeeee you guss xx

till then,love love

Friday, January 29

slightly depressed

jst got back from wangsa walk, finally took the muffins i ordered for leya. now, i'm jst waiting for the present it to wrap. the card for her was full with signature from closes ones. paling takleh bla epa punya. it was 3 simple words. he wrote "i love you- by epa" haha. nobody's at home, dad is off to buy some grocery, mak is at the neighbour's house, they'll be ths kenduri tunang tomorrow, my childhood friend is getting married. awww. brother is outside with his friends, adik is checking youtube. all alone, still don't know wht to wear tomorrooooooow.

oh ya, my brother is going back to Australia tomorrow afternoon :( so the next time i'll being see him, like 2 years more, which is lame lagi taaaaaaaaaaau. haihz. so will not be sending him to the airport bcse leya's birthday. Mary jst texted, she said goodnigt zana! :D . okay dia tk pernah hanta mcm tu, so pelik :l hahaha, nitey nite sayang.

i've been listening to Neyo's new song, never knew i needed. it suites the way i feel now, lately i prefer emo-ish songs. jiwang shiiikiiiit. hahaha -.- raja told me boys like girls is at Malaysia now, will be performing soon. i've met Martin Johnson and John Keefe which is the vocalist and drummer of BLG at klcc. first i saw them at the foodcourt Klcc, they were looking for a place to sit tht time, aku nk je cakap, duduk la siniiii. haha so lame, then i saw them at topshop wanted to buy some stuff, nobody realise it was them, they were in ths fully black clothing with hats and sunnies not wanting people to know, but they definetly can't fool me baby :)

till then, love love

Is my rollercoaster and i don't want you in it

last night got back around 12.45 am, the minute i arrived Melawati, it was raining heavily. otw back, stopped at Alan's house. we hanged there for a half and hour. his house was wickeeeeeeed. it was surrounded by pretty lily around the porch and his house was a bit country style as i cn say. the gate was chocolate brown, it has huge lights at the entrance. cccaaanntik. as we we're talking, i was so sleepy tht i slept in the car, they were like? eh mana zana? i was sleeping like a baby. mom was a bit pissed bcse we watched a movie at a school night, so yeah. tooth fairy was the bomb, seriously. seeing THE ROCK wearing a tutu is something i always wanted to see, haha i mean common, he looks so tough, got ths hot abs and muscles, suddenly wearing a pink chiffon tutu and pale pink tights at the beginning of the movie, who wouldnt wnt to see tht aite? it was kind packed last night, i can't wait for iron man 2 :O

the morning turned off bad today, i hate being scold with the parents early in the morning bcse .. well, duuh it ruins my mood of the day. and i was being a little lunatic to my friends, i kept saying, diam lah, padahal dorang tk bising pun, i kept saying fuck you to danny, i didnt talked to fizil bcse i was pissed at him for no reason, people were like asking if i were okay, and the answer is, definetly NO.

got back with Amali and Jaz today. the funny thing is, i told Amali to hold my stuff which is the present i'm giving to Leya tomorrow, and the minute i arrived ze house, i jst realized the stuff was at him, and i've been planning to wrap it, niceee lah dkt dia kan -.- and he lives all away at Wangsa Maju tht fucken messing it more. i've been calling people to ask for his number to ask him to drop it my house. and dia takde phone. BAGUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS -_- checked my phone in the room. got 11 misscalls from danny and yed. yed told me tht the stuff was at him. at 6 he called again, i was sleeping when he called. so his coming tomorrow moring to give it. tomorrow gonna celebrate Leya's birthday at WW. karaoke, lunch together and bowling in one day :D my girlfriend dh besar dh :') hehe.

AND BTW, farah, i know youre reading ths, i jst want to tell you thank you for being a such caring friend, being through with me all. only Allah can repay all youre good things you did for me. i love you, bestfriend. enough said

Thursday, January 28

Hi Rah Mey Mey

OH YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, forgot to tell, Rah came last tuesday to ze house. suddenly i told her i was not sepet at all, she was like rrriiigghht, padahal sepet tau. anywaays, she tried to be sepet, so do have a blast watching her down there, i call her Rah Mey Mey, haha tak pasal

padahal mata dh cantik bulat tau, sayang oi

hehe love ya bayybe xx

*mind the towel, baru lepas mandi ;p

My guilty pleasure, I ain't going no where

today took our photo class. last year of school, kinda sad, really. i mean, i'm gonna miss sitting beside my bestfriends, teasing the teachers, seeing Epa kene denda, listening to Rais and Bal's singing. haih, so much mooore. live life to the fullest ;) kecoh gila time nk ambik gambar, semua nk duduk depan -_- the time i came, the boys were all sitting in the front, i asked mana kerusi perempuan ha? they were like, lah lelaki kan lagi banyak drpd the girls, so korang diri jelah, kiterog semua duduk k. ee pissed -.- talked nicely to them, and yay the girls dpt duduk. truth to be told, in high school, i never stand while taking a photo class, i jst realised tht while i were typing ths. haha, cool do, choh. so i sat infront beside, Raja, Faa and Leya. time candid we almost hugged each other, i shouted "senyum gila gila tau, last year of school" hehe. they boys at the line back were being all so kecoh sampai pergi depan sbb semangat sgt, blocking all the girls behind, haha kesian tau dorg.

today, i'd challenged Fifa not to laugh. she made ths serious face konon garang ah semua, konon tak gelak, the minute i looked at her face closely, dia teruuuus gelak. haha tk dpt ah john ;p (only certain people knows wht ths mean) i accidently shuffle in science lab today, hahaha, danny and ersyad was being all, ceh-dak-dak-shufflers-skarang. bongok.

tonight gonna catch a movie with the favourite peeps. my brother told me last night about the tooth fairy movie, the rock is in tht movie, i was half sleeping when he told about the story, i was busy sleeping, suddenly he knocked my door and start babbling about the movie. i nodding konon konon dgr, haha. migth be having dinner at KL

i jst realised, i haven't cried for a long time. thnks to you, i jst did tht last night, thanks dude

till then, love love

i need a fluffy pillow, asap

woaaaaaaaaah, january its coming to an end, and whts good so far? EVERYTHING. most of the people thinks 2010 is so far so dull, to me its coooool. i made friends with some new people, i made a blog, HAHA, i talked to people who i never tought i would talk with again,learned new subject. yeah, Alhamdullilah. but the thing is i'm getting lack of sleep. maybe bcse i'm too caught up with these assigments dinney gave. AND NOT MENTIONING THE TONS OF HOMEWROK THE TEACHER DUMPED AT US.

i've been surfing the internet to get info's about the camping and lawatan we're handling, never thought being a setiausaha has ths much work, now i know how Kak Nadia does it all :l 5 minutes ago, i jst got off the phone with the Tourism Malaysia Perlis, Perak and also Negeri Sembilan. i wanted to ask about the camping thingy, and i was sooo embarrassed when ..

Zana : Hi akak, nama saya bla bla bla nk buat camping dkt Perak
Akak yang kerja dkt situ : Oh ye? dkt mana tu cik?
Zana : dkt sungkai Hot Water Spring , Sungkai Klah, Sungkai Perak
Akak : oh begitu*she silent for a loooooong time, she said EH JAP EH CIK

then i heard she asked the other workes there
Akak : WEHH, dkt hot spring tu ada tempat camping ke? setahu aku tempat air panas je kt situ, then all of them laughed

my face turned extremly red, i was so embarrassed, dia mesti igt aku budak bodoh mana ntah, haha

i was like sorry tau akak, saya rasa kawan saya(dinney) kenekan saya ni, ish

then she laughed saying, ha ye kot dia kenekan adik, hehe. she gave me other numbers to contact so yeah so many places i called, i called dinney right after tht, tengok tengoook tersalah dgr, she said near the hot spring, not exactly AT the hot spring, haiihz

when i called Tourism Malaysia Perlis, ths nice abang explained where to go and all before i said thnks i apologised bcse called really late, like aroung 5.10 pm, bcse the office hour is up until 5 only. he said, laaaaah takpelah dik. hihi

the teacher jst told me something today that made me sooooooooooooooooooooo excited. ma girls is gonna flip when they hear ths :D


Tuesday, January 26

i fucking hate you, BIG TIME

as easy as tht motherf .

Happy Birthday Lolockzz

my friend up there, on the left wearing a white tee, well he turned 17 yesterday. he was reminding all of us, "jangan lupa isnin tau, jangan lupa isnin tau", we were all like ye okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, we get it dude. so yeah, i've been in the same class with him since form 3, back then, fuck i hated him like hell, he was always in a bad mood, suka kacau hidup orang, carik pasal tiba tiba, well i'm not saying he changed or anything, hahahahha BUT yeah we've become friends. last year, i knew the real him, bak kata danny, although he seems so tough and gangster-ish outside, but inside actually dia jiwa lembut. ew, haha -.- i have so many to tell about him, tapi sumpah takut dia baca ni, nnt dia marah gila, i think his gonna beat the hell out of me, so youre secret is safe with us, lok. hihi. his the one in the class, who nevers shut up. his voice, WUSH, takyah cakap ah, bangunan sebelah pun boleh dengar sebenarnya. pastu bila cakap dgn dia, mcm kita ni jauh je, padahal sebelah sebelah je tau. and sorry tk dpt dtg the other day masa kau pegi celebrate semua tu, hehe busy. anyways, kau poyo and keep up the poyo-ing kay? is tht even a word? aaahh tk kesah ah, haha

till then love love

Sunday, January 24


i've been waiting for this day, its my rest day ;) woke up late, my dad is out with my lil brother, mom is off to the office, and brother is playing futsal now. Home alone, niceee. gonna hit the shower and hit the books

then take a loooooong nap. hihi

till then, love love

show me wht you got, punk


Zana : eh amali, blanje zana naik bas today, duit dh hbs beli nugget td :(
Amali : oh okay, amali tunggu zana dpn class kay, zana blk 1.10 kn?
Zana : tk sure lg, maybe 1.50 kottt
Amali : mhm okaay

the bell rang, he went to my science cls, and said

Amali : weh zana jom lh blk
Zana : cikgu suruh blk 1.50 doooooooooooooooooooo
Amali : yeke weh? hm takpe lah, amali masuk klas zana lh, blaja science skali
Zana : kau biar betul nk tunggu sampai 1.50?
Amali : ye amali tunggu lerrz

sumpah kau baik gila doo. i owe you one dude

soooooooooo theres so much to story about today and yesterday. mhmm were to begin, oh okay last night Epa called wanted to asked today's school ikut jadual apa, and as i was talking to him, i heard ths background voice saying "zana gedik, zana poyo". i was like eh diam lah kau bla bla padahal tk tau pun sape cakap tu. haha. it was tasuim.TASUIM LOSER. we talked for a bit. we kept saying nnt jumpa sekolah aku tampar kau tau nnt. haha mengundang -_- okay so ada sekolah ganti. SEDIH KAN, but i like going to those skola ganti bcse tk banyak orang, hihi. not many came, but yeahz it was fuuuun. in class all us girls kept taking picture, i felt like i was in all school girls bcse the majority was girls who came. we made funny videos about me being a stylist lah, being a filipino girl lah, Insyaallah will post it soon :D

got back around 1.45 with Amali and Eddyn and got ready by 2. bcse i got kawad and softball traning at 2.30. i was so afraid to be late bcse dinney said "siapa lambat ketuk ketampi 100x" yeah no joke. thts bcse i kept saying, "Maa cepat Maa, zana tknk kene ketuk ketampi :(" and Alhamdullilah tk kena. HIHI. sheyra, ain, and the others were late 5 minutes and kene ketuk ketampi. today kawad was fun, Rafiqa really made me laughed today, hihi love you.

sofball was fun toooooooooooo

Zana : coach sorry tau lmbt, saya pergi kawad tadi
Coach : oh yeke? kawad for apa eh?
Zana : for pandu puteri la coach
Coach : oh pandu puteri? yang pandu kereta tu eh?* dia buat dengan style memusing stering kereta
Zana : *silent* coach tak lawak tau
Coach : kang ade kene rembat dgn bat softball tu kang
Zana : ha tu baru kelakar

Then we both laughed. we all love you coach din! traning until 6.30. got back with syira and dinney. in the car we all played with adam, syira's little nephew. i tought him a new word, "boyan" and he kept repeating tht word. haha. i felt so bad for teaching tht word. stopped at 7-11. us three talked about some stuff

Got back at 7, and mom told to get ready bcse the whole family is gonna have dinner at tgi fridays. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, at wangsa walk. DAMN, I CAN'T WAIT TO GO THERE AGAIN ON NEXT SATURDAY! i love it there, it has a gym, bowling alley, and karaoeke booth. so kenyang! hehe

got back around 11, watched football with abang and brother, and blogging

OH YA! i hv twitter now :'D its 12.14 now, gotta rest my sore feet now. zz

till then, love love

Thursday, January 21

"I'm living life to the fullest, i'm trying to take critics and turn it into a way to change the way i roll"

Today was very calm. I'm indeed happy with my classmates, its true when people say once you stick with them for a awhile, you turn to one big family. I always hated math since in standard two, but suprisingly it was fun in Math today. learned equation by graphical method and it was fuuuuuuun. teacher gave previous trials spm paper from Terengganu as homeworks, so might be heading to tht later. its raining now, tk dpt jumpa Lala and Lily :( got back with Amali today, we both teased Razin, bcse of his silliness. sumpah kelakar tk tipu. My brother jst texted me, alala rindu plk dia, haha, gonna call him tonight :'D imma hit the shower

till then, love love

Tuesday, January 19


went to the counselor, AGAIN. i'm seriously having second thoughts of dropping my add math, people close to me hv been pursuing not to drop, telling me how important tht subject is, explaining the university's step over and over again but being the typical me, i kinda ignored and still go on with my choice. but somehow today, i felt the opposite. the teacher asked over and over again if i was sure to drop tht subj, and for around 40 minutes, they kinda convince me to NOT drop. i cn see the smile on those teachers how much releive tht i'm not gonna risk my future for just one subj. so yeay me i'm taking 10 subj now, i'm hoping and praying tht i cn balance all those subj and of course, korikulum's stuff and sports too. and ths drama competiton i jst entered :) Insyallah boleh, hehe

Faught with Epa today, he sat beside me and telling how handsome he was, get over yourself dude -.- in history class, i was defending my hometown (philippine and indonesia haha not) with him, and he was being all patriotic saying i was being the type tak sayang negara lah semua, haha yolaaaa epa.hanged with Epul and Danny jst now. Rah stayed back at ze house after Pandu's Meeting and went straight to Titian Cahaya bcse it was near to my house. Dania jst texted, she wanted me to teach her Economics, maybe will giver her a call. when after finishing homeworks of course

till then, love love

Monday, January 18


okay firstly i jst want to apologize tht i forgot youre birthday ;( i felt so bad, no joke. i mean like, youre my bestfriend and why the hell did i forget? anyway, i belanja you bas td tu dh cukup kn :) hahaha, jk. Insyaallah, i'll buy you something. one thing for sure is, you've got youre dream body kan, so congrats for tht ;D thnks for being a swell friend, i knoow sometimes you get SO MENGADA MCM SIOT, merajuk sana, merajuk sini, mintak belanja semua, bully bla bla bla but whtever still sayang kau k ;)

i don't know whts wrong with me today, but i kept singing in class. i've got the singing bug from the boys :/ but its in malay and ths high pitch voice with a little ... wht we call in malay "irama" hahaha. they got soo annoying and they'll make ths face mcm menyampah when i sing. haha, bukan selalu menyanyi kn. i jst knew, Iqbal and Hafizil follows my blog, aw ;) OH YA SUMPAH LUPA, i kinda, boleh dikatakan broke my wrist, well its not really broken, its kinda sprained. and it hurts like hell since ysterday, but today was pretty okay, Alhamdullilah. i wore ths bandage around it, people kept asking why, and its because SYAMIN LERRR :p haha, she hit me in kawad practise last saturday, well we played for a bit, she accidently karate-ed me. haha, but i still hurts tho. i was suprised seing danny's black eye, and a bandage too on his left hand. pity him, hehe

till then, love love

Saturday, January 16

still wearing my favourite jersey

pheeeeew, tired gila k. jst got back, told ya balik pukul 7 -.- woke up by listening to Dinney's voice on the phone. she called, i was like fcuk i'm late. it was 6.45. but ala chillex dulu. went down stair with my messy hair and puffy eye to go get my breakfast, suddenly i heard many people talking in the hall. i realised it was my brother's girlfriend and some of his peeps. they we're all getting ready fr the water rafting they're going. oh ya today is my dad's birthdaaay, i wished him and gave him a big waarrrm hug ;) might be celebrating it when he comes bck from Kota Bharu.

so the morning start of by picking up dinney and her lil sis to school. we got ths seminars fr the Ajk's. truth to be told, until ths i still dn't believe i didnt sleep there, hahah. i get bored with those things, but suprisingly it was kinda fun, no joke. the facilitator was so funny tht dinney and mine's jaws hurts like hell. we were laughing like two little kids on a sugar rush. people was like "okay dorang dh mcm tk betul ni" hahaha,the seminar finished at around 12.30. got back with Fitri, Epul and Rain. dinney stayed back at my house. us three including Nikki got ready by 2 and Meen took us up.

the kawad went well, kinda. is fun being a senior, because duhh .. you can bully those who look up to you, hahah kidding. around 5.30 went to the field, daaamn it was full with footballers and softballers. bummed into danny, he gave me ths big hug, aww ;p walked back around 7 with Rahman and Awin. rahman told me tht he entered ths school drama in Kebudayaan. he said it was nerve racking singing and acting in front of a class full with students and some teachers, but wht the heck, he did tht, and DEFINETLY TWO THUMBS FOR YOU DUDE! to kill the time owt bck, we did our own sketch comedy, and i hd a hell of a time. i screamed like fcuk after i saw a dead mouse and frog beside the road. ee naik bulu roma -.-

said our goodbyes and here i am blogging. oh ya someone jst told me something tht i didnt expect at all :o so hungry, gonna eat my fish and chips now with ze lil brother

till then, love love

Friday, January 15

i heart fortune sushi

jst got back from Jusco. but some few pens and other school stuff. jst had sushi and spaghetti fr dinner. my brother called when i was finding a few pair of earings, i told him i missed him, and he said. tahu tk pe. tk psl kn? hahah -_- qisse jst called, ask if i were free tomorrow, but apparently full with other stuff. won't be home until 7. haih.

"One word that is constantly on my mind right now is 'Tak dapat nk tolong ah John'.Seriously,my classmates has this huge effect on my daily life.From how i use speak to music taste" by afifahchickchakawawa

HELL TO THE YEAH. i learned so many new words since i've been surrounded by them. example, chillex, kawal emosi, tk dapat ah john and so on. even they kept repeating the same thing everyday but i don't think i get bored by it. we may say words tht people hardly understand but who cares, its the way we communicate. haha, music taste too. they kept singing malay songs tht i don't even heard before. they somehow love the band alleycats. hahaha.

i NEED to get some rest now, kene bangun awl haih

till then, love love


jst finished math tuiton jst now, the first thng i did is going straight towards my babieeeess. which is my rabbits, Lala and Lily ;) since school open, i don't hv any time to spend time with them, haih. theres some electrician at my house right now, their reparing the tv downstairs. currently watching Accodrding to Jim. can't stop watching their comedy

soo class hve been fun today. tk masuk economics and math class bcse i went to caunselor to discuss about my carier. it gives me the hibi gibbies thinking about carier, where i'm going. wht course i'm gonna take, mostly about the .. future. so in the caunselor room, i heard ths high pitch voise outside, who is it if not my bestfriend, Rah ;) its been ages since the lst time i talked to her. hanged out with dinney a bit. then got back , i got kinda moody. i didn't talked much. i yelled at Lolock most of the time. haha. when agama, we learned a new chapter in Agama which is about marriage. then the boys we're being all yucky and as i can say "ha dh mula lh dorang blue -_-"

last night, when i was busy concentrating doing ze math homeworks, dylan called. yes, if youre reading ths, aku tahu kau rindu aku :) hahah. tomorrow is gonna be a longggg day, i mean a really long day. i've got ths seminar for the setiausaha's, i've got kawad training and softball practise after tht. tomorrow is jst gonna be me and my little brother. ze parents are heading to Kota Bahru to see my brother there. nk ikuuut :( and my other brother is going fr ths water rafting somewhere. eh! my mother's calling to go buy some stuff

till then, love love

Thursday, January 14


so the girl on the left up there is Raja. Babe, if youre reading this right now, jangan nk bangga okay :) hahhha, Oh ya! before i forgot HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAAAAYYYZZZ. her birthday was technically on 5 Jan. i didnt text nor call her to wish, but yeah here is my way to make it up :) i really thnk she's like my long lost sister, she gets me. i like it when she makes up a joke, then i dont tend to laugh. then she'll be like "oh, hm takpe la" then she will go somewehere else, mcm nk cover lah. haha. i've been close to her since last year if i'm not mistaken, she's in girl guide too. so we're pratically like sisters. she sits in front of me in the class so yeah, almost everytime i'll bug her. btw, she's our lovely naib pengerusi in the class ;p most of the guys in our class has a crush on her, cause ... who doesnt? she's fucking cute, has ths adorable chipmunk voice (haha awk yg cakap eh) and is so petite. so annoying sampai kadang kadang rasa nk lempang pn ada. hihi. love you chipmunk xx

i sorta kinda boleh dikatakan thinks math is kinda fun

just got off the phone with mak. i told her i wanted to buy addmath textbook, so she precisely came home early from work just to take me to carrefour to buy tht book. so sweeet hihi. but tk jadi, bcse i'm dropping my addmath kn, so aint worth it paying 20 bucks fr a book i aint gonna use -.- aleen called earlier, long time no talk to her, so rindu hihi. we talked about school, sports and so on. she said she likes addmath. GILA KAN, haha. baru bab satu weh ;p anis just texted! but cn't reply :( i cant recall the last time i've got kredit, i think 1st Jan. har har.

so currently wearing my little miss naughty tee and a pair of black skinny jeans bcse thinking of going out jst now, but chnged plans. Today, our math teacher gave us all a a Milo Bar Chocolate bcse we all send our math exercise :D bangga jugak lh, ceh hahhah. talked to danny about some stuff. the fun thing about having a gay bestfriend, bcse i cn exactly tell him pretty much everything ;) hahaha, chillex dulu babe. so bfre heading to the bus today(yes balik naik bas hihi), i heard someone yelling my name,i saw this girl wearing a white ribbon on her head waving towards me. tengok tengok Qis dlm kereta, jauh plk tu. haha, he was with azmeer i guess, aww. i hd nasi ayam jst now, so full. so gonna head for those homework now!

till then love love

Wednesday, January 13

My peeps always say tht everday -__-

take a chill pill

wednesday is my fav day in the weekend, no doubt. soo, today my girlfriend, Leya didn't came. so sad :( but class was havoc as usual. she texted me in the morning "Na, kite tk pegi tau, tk larat" i was like alaaaa ;( tape tape, hope to see her tomorrow. so as we were doing accounts in the class, one of my classmate yelled out of no where, being as the typical me, i said, weh diam lh bengap. then we will fight as usual, semua dh biasa tgk kiterog gado. hahhaha, then Iqbal said tht i have anger management issues. the minute i heard he said tht, i almost half scream saying WEH SUMPAH TAK DO! bcse i was kinda pissed he said tht. then he said, "ha tengok tu, kn betul aku ckp". then i was like, eh agak ah, haha -_- then fifa, rais and danny said they agreed with him. they said i get pissed easily. no i don't :( Mak said too yesterday, haaaihh. bak kata mak, zana cepat melenting. HIHI

okay tuka topik, haha. tiba tiba teringat i told them tht i went to the counselor last friday to drop my addmath. YES I'M DROPPING MY BLOODY ADDMATH. i don't give a fcuk wht people gonna say, i made up my mind, and tht it is :) so they all asked me wht course i'm gonna take, i said tht i'm gonna take phycology. they were like "tk sesuai sangat la weh, sbb kau cepat marah, nnt orang ada problem pegi dkt kau, lagi problem dia jadinya". haha siaaaaal. pastu rais made a joke, "kalau smokers pegi dkt zana sbb nk mintak nasihat, balik balik terus jadi penagih dadah .. pastu mati". haha fuck you -_- they encourage me to be a journalist or radio presenter, because i looove to talk, no joke. i maybe cn be the next ryan seacrest, omgggg. haha NOT. so moving on, masa sejarah, dinney, my twinnie came to the class. she asked me to follow her to ask for the names sapa nk masuk kawad.sampaaaai lh balik. haih so tired ronda ronda. she wore this selendang full with girl guides badges. she's definetly going to be one of the Pandu Diraja, definetly. so proud of her :) so yeah, thts pretty much it. macam terlebih panjang kn? har har, gonna head fr tuiton at 4.

till then, love love

Tuesday, January 12

Happy Birthday Qissteey

okay today is one of my friend, Qistina's birthday. i can't believe my baby girl is now all grown up :') hahaha, poyo. so i gave her ths pack of body shop's perfume, and ths red card i made for her. i hope she likes it. haha, we've been friends for approximately 3 years, i used to know her back then as the best athlete at middle school. but we've been close when were in form 2. i didn't know who to sit with, and the minute i know she was in tht class too, i immediantly call her, she was like zana mana? oh zana pendek eh? har har so funny la Qis -_- anywaaaay just want to wish you happy 17th birthday bbe!

soo today, was pretty fun. 2 teachers didn't came. hee, but lots of homework, no doubt. i was doing ths math thingy then suddenly i fell asleep, hahaha, i think thts the first time i slept in 2010. ckp nk berubah tknk tidur dh :l haaaiih. anyway, got back late, around 3 like tht? tk suka balik lambat, nnt peluh peluh do. had ths pandu meeting with the Ajk's, banyak gilaaaa do kerja kene buat, dh nama setiausaha -_- then ths softball meeting before tht. btw, ada ths group of boys gado gado dekat luar, havoc do. then nampak adeeb, sumpah lama gila tk nampak dia, then i asked him sekolah mana skrg, he said dengan bangganya skola VI, pahahaaal skola setiawangsa je tau. haha. then got back ada tuition accounts at 3.30. soo pretty much penat lh. oh ya lupa nk ckp, Leya was sick, aw kesian kn dia. tk penah tengok dia demam, she barely talked to me, she was busy sleeping in the class, poor little thing :( get well soon honey

Till then, love love


Omg hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, okay tk perlu nk gelabah, i know. so hi i'm zana :) and ths is the first time i'm doing a blog. i've been wanting to do ths since i was in form 2, but yeah malas lah, nnt lah semua. haha atlast buat jugak ;) suddenly thought of doing ths, when last weekend, my lilttle brother showed me his friend's blog, then i was like oh dia form 2 dh ada blog, aku tade pulak? -_- haha, then paaaap ada :D SO, if youre boring or wht, here i am, to entertain you :)